Click the gray button to the right of each event to learn more about what’s coming up next at the Foundation Building!
Past Community Trainings the SLCF has hosted
Tips for Constructive Meetings
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 6 pm
Have you ever been to a frustrating meeting? Want to know how to create meetings that actually get things done?
This short, week-night session will be interesting and action-packed! Shannon is an amazing presenter.
During this training, you will learn how to:
*Design agendas
*Facilitate meetings
*Interrupt unproductive behavior
Shannon Stober is a nationally recognized trainer, facilitator, and coach whose work is known for creating passionate leaders, impressive teams and performance in the public, private and nonprofit sectors.
Grant Writing Training
Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 6 pm
In this 90 minute session, Hannah Cortez of The Dotted i will offer hands-on learning activities and expert knowledge on grant readiness, grant research and proposal writing through the lens of a rural community’s needs.
This session will provide key insights into grant activities that work well for a small or volunteer team and how to move the needle for your organization through grant writing.
The training will be held in the West Wing of the Foundation Building on Thursday, January 19 from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. Food provided by Blackfoot Communications.
Volunteer Tips & Tricks Training
March 31, 2022 at 5:30pm
Our town runs on volunteers. They make SO MUCH happen in this valley! And, there's lots of new folks in town interested in getting involved.
Come to this short, useful, and FREE session to learn some tips and tricks for how to get more volunteers, and keep people involved with your nonprofit.
RSVP by March 21st, and your organization will be entered to win one of three spots for a personal session to talk about your volunteer needs with facilitator Shannon Stober on April 1st!
The training will be held in the West Wing of the Foundation Building on Thursday, March 31st from 5:30pm to 7pm. Food provided!
RSVP with your name and the organization you'd like to be entered into the drawing to or (406) 677 3506
Let us know if you need childcare.
Opportunity to receive $80k in down payment assistance!
Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 at 5:30pm
Come hear about an opportunity to finally buy your own home here in Seeley Lake!
Trust Montana, a non-profit community land trust, will present on its Home Buyer Choice (HB Choice) homebuyer assistance program, which will provide five grants up to $80,000 to income-qualified home buyers in Missoula County.
Applications are due Friday August 20, 2021. A lottery will be held to select the 5 applicants. *Hint—there’s not many so far, so any qualified Seeley Lakers have really good odds of being drawn!
Learn more about the program visit or email Or come listen in person and get help applying on July 27th!
Meet your local SBDC Business Advisor!
Two sessions on Thursday May 13th, 2021: 10am or 5:30pm. Attend either!
Hey Seeley Lake, did you know the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offers all kinds of free services for business owners?
At this one-hour informal meet-and-greet, get to know your local SBDC Advisor and learn how she and her team can help your Seeley Lake business!
The SBDC offers expert Business Consultants to partner with business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs for no cost, one-on-one advising.
See article in Pathfinder:
Reimagining Rural Community Gathering
September 15th, 2020 — 6-8pm
Note, location is at ‘the Barn’, located at the south edge of town, 2920 MT Hwy 83N
This event is an opportunity to bring neighbors together to take a fresh, joyful look at what we all bring to this place we love, and reimagine how we can work together to strengthen our community.
Making Child Care Happen: Exploring options for Seeley Lake
Saturday, February 1st, 10 AM - Noon
Facilitator: Grace Decker with Zero to Five Missoula
This free training is provided by Healthy Start Missoula, a community coalition based out of the Missoula City-County Health Department.
At a recent focus group discussion, Seeley Lake area families shared a desire to see more child care available in the community. Come to this workshop to learn about creative ways other small communities in Montana and beyond have created child care solutions that work for families and build a stronger communities. We'll also talk about developing a plan of action for increasing child care options available in Seeley Lake. RSVPs are appreciated, but drop-ins are welcome.
Call 406-258-3021 or email to RSVP or ask questions.
Community Organizing for the Common Good
Saturday, February 8th, 9 AM - Noon
Presented by the Missoula Interfaith Collaborative
Seeley Lake Community Foundation Building West Wing
RSVPs appreciated, but drop-ins welcome.
Join us for a public leadership training that will equip you and community leaders to create powerful, systemic change throughout Seeley Lake
and beyond. Using the methods, principles, and practices of broad-based community organizing, we will learn what it takes to build sustainable partnerships that
impact the overall health of our families and loved ones.
This free training is provided by Healthy Start Missoula, a community coalition based out of the Missoula City-County Health Department.
Call 406-258-3021 or email to RSVP or ask questions.
Serving on a nonprofit Board of Directors
Thursday February 20th, 5:30-8pm and Monday February 24th, 5:30-8pm.
Please RSVP to or 406-677-3506 by February 14th
Not exactly sure what you’re supposed to be doing as a board member? Got your role down pat, but looking to guide your organization through growth and change? Want to serve on a board, but curious to learn more first? Come learn a lot, or come brush up and get some refreshers, and enjoy some free pizza!
The two sessions will build upon each other. Please try to come to both evenings!
This dynamic workshop helps the board understand their roles and responsibilities, and how to work with the Executive Director and other staff. We’ll explore:
o Understandable ways to distinguish between governing, supporting, and managing the work of the organization
o Practicing governance roles and responsibilities
o Getting things done with an all-volunteer board of directors
o Delegation and accountability with no staff
o Bringing new people into the work (recruitment and orientation)
o Leading a board – the role of officers
o Question/Answer to meet specific needs of the group and troubleshoot problems
It’s a free training, provided in partnership with Healthy Start Missoula, a community coalition based out of the Missoula City-County Health Department. Here’s a bit of info about Ned Cooney, the facilitator: